April 22 – 28 August 2022
Future Shock transforms 180 Studios’s subterranean spaces through mesmerising and immersive digital technology – from generative and interactive algorithms, AI and 3D digital mapping, to spellbinding laser work, holographic projections and groundbreaking electronic music.
Featuring a line up of visionary artists – Ryoichi Kurokawa, UVA, Caterina Barbieri and Ruben Spini, Lawrence Lek, Actual Objects, Gener8ion, Weirdcore, Gaika, Nonotak, Ben Kelly, Hamill Industries, Ib Kamara, Ibby Njoya, Object Blue and Natalia Podgorska – who reimagine our near future with multiple new commissions, site-specific installations and vital sensory experiences that challenge our preconceptions and offer up new possibilities. (text from https://www.180thestrand.com/future-shock, image from https://www.wallpaper.com/art/london-art-exhibitions-post-lockdown#0_pic_6)
180 The Strand
Temple, London
WC2R 1EA, United Kingdom